Victim Profiling

Traffickers use a process of psychological and physical abuse to break down and rebuild a victim’s mindset, usually taking a victim from promises and dreams to a harsh reality of mental and physical abuse. Minors who run away and engage in a life of sex in exchange for money often have a history of sexual and/or physical abuse. A trafficker manipulates and brainwashes a minor, luring him/her into a sense of love and affection.

The Victims May…

  • Not self-identify as victims of human trafficking as they have a place to live, food to eat, medical care, and what they think is a paying job;
  • Have a sense of fear and distrust toward the government and police, including a fear of deportation and arrest;
  • Be completely unaware of their rights or may have been intentionally misinformed about their rights;
  • Fear for their families due to threats of violence and/or deportation if they report their situation.

Are They Victims?

  • Are they being forced or pressured to work?
  • Do they have access to their papers/travel documents/identification?
  • Are they or their loved ones being threatened?
  • Are they free to go where or do what they please?
  • Are they a minor being forced into a life of sex in exchange for money?
  • Abrupt and drastic changes in attire, behavior, or relationships?
  • Chronic running away?
  • Signs of unusual wealth without explanation?